Mistake Happened ! What Did You Learn From It ?

Mistake Happened ! What Did You Learn From It ?

To err is human - Life is very interesting if you make mistakes.

No one is immune to making mistakes, every individual has made a mistake in their corporate lives, some are big and some are small, the individual who makes no mistakes does not usually make & learn anything.

Think back to the last mistake that you made at work. Even if it was a minor one, like an incorrect calendar invite, or minor incorrect detail you shared with client,

you will likely have felt a rush of panic and then had the inconvenience of putting things right.

In Corporate culture, it is often said & shared that there is no room for error whether it is writing emails, doing configuration of systems, or presenting solutions for the client.

The entire corporate systems are based on a fragile system of trust, where no one likes to be responsible for mistakes.

Making mistakes is inevitable and learning from those mistake makes you a better person, but if you keep repeating the same mistakes again & again, people will lose faith in you

Here we would like to discuss how to harness from mistakes & get benefits out of it.



If you headed to a wrong direction – Take the available U-Turn

Most likely mistakes aren’t just one big error. They are a series of little choices that lead to failure.So pay attention to your errors, no matter how big or how small they might seem. And understand that each mistake can be an opportunity to learn the lesson.

When you realize your mistakes, take a pause, start thinking about what you could do to prevent it from happening again. For example, if you didn't follow a process properly, next time try to introducing a  thorough checklist or a clearer process document. The entire Airline industry is based on Checklist which helps them negate any error or find faults before it can damage the situation.

Your end goal should always be how to keep your learning cycle on and always embrace the mistake as a learning opportunity, you need to develop skills, acquire knowledge or resource which can equip you to not repeating same mistakes.  Always remember making a new mistake will help to increase your knowledge.




Even the CEO’s Pencil has an eraser – admit your mistakes gracefully  

Well, this is a difficult one especially in the corporate world as it is considered as the sea of sharks and no room for mistakes!

What we suggest is the moment you realize your mistake whether it’s a small or a big one, raise your hand to admit it as soon as possible, take ownership,

We understand it takes courage to apologize for your mistakes but it is far better to come clean than hide the mistakes or blame others for it.

When you confess your mistake, do not just bluntly acknowledge it, give them possible solutions to damage control and details of your efforts that you have done so far to minimize the impact of the error.  

You must make an effort in showing that you have learned from the mistake and now you are in control or in the process of getting control of your mistakes.

People always appreciate courage and integrity when they see an honest & upfront acknowledgment of mistakes and give the individual a chance to improve.



“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
Thomas A. Edison

The first and foremost thing is here is to Analyse the mistake you have made, try to get to the root cause of the issue as it will help you to eliminate it forever.  You need to avoid making the same mistakes again, develop a  habit or methodology (e.g. PLAN- DO-CHECK-ACT) which includes a fair amount of attention to details, personally held your self accountable for your action.

Always review your mistakes, try to understand what can be done to prevent it from happening again, develop self-disciple in a way that it gets harder for you to make the same mistake again.

Make a plan that will help you avoid making a similar mistake. Be as detailed as possible, so that you revisit exact point where you did mistake so that you can avoid it in future

Still, there will be mistakes made but we are sure it will be new mistakes but not the same mistakes again.

We hope you enjoyed reading... and hope we provided you with some insights on how to learn from your mistakes! 

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