How to revive your stalled career ?

Studies have shown that corporate executives value career advancement, the ability to grow, and acquire new skills over money and perks.
Are you having this feeling that you are stuck in your job while everyone else is moving ahead?
Your skills aren’t being utilized up to their full potential?
You dislike going to work every day & your daily routine isn't existing anymore and your hard work isn’t acknowledged by your manager & don't feel appreciated?
THEN, we would like to suggest a few points to revive your stalled career.
Before you begin to introspect you need to make yourself crystal clear on what are your goals? Where exactly would you like yourself to be in the next three to five years? Once you start working towards reviving your stalled career, one of the reasons is you have not defined your clearly identified your next goal.
First, you need to identify your goal(s)
Second, write them down.
Once you have written them down formulate steps, check for the resources (skills, knowledge, etc.) you have at your disposal and the ones you need.
The reason you have stopped growing is that you are sitting pretty in your comfort zone and you do not want to think of disturbing this apple cart.
You are not thinking about making any change or moves to start challenging your self again.
You need to ignite the spark back in you, that can be only be done once you write it down where you want to be next in 3 to 5 years from now.
Accept the fact that you are not alone struggling, several like-minded people within your professional network are looking for a next career change, therefore don’t isolate yourself, GET OUT and do the networking. Networking is a necessity in the job search now, don’t do networking just to get leads on your next job per se, do networking to connect with like-minded people, share ideas, understand their struggles and how they overcame them, build the relationship over the time.
Communication is always an integral part of networking, there will always be opportunities right in front of you, all you need to have the courage to ask for it, for that you need to build and polish your communication skills.
Sometimes the reason you haven’t gotten ahead is that no one realizes you even want to get ahead.
Lift your head up and voice out. You haven’t gone out there and asked for a promotion, a raise, extra responsibilities etc. You’re just waiting for it to fall into your lap. Stop waiting for career moves to happen to you and go after them. Let your employer know that you’d love to move up in the organization & willing to accept new responsibilities. There’s nothing wrong with ambition and many companies embrace employees who want to better themselves within the company.
We hope you enjoyed reading this blog and it would have helped you in understanding
How to revive your stalled career.
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