Every morning you get up from the bed and thought of going to work makes you frustrated and uninspired, however, you still lift your spirits and drag your body to work, because as much as you would like to quit the job but simply can’t afford it as you have commitments in your life to put food on the table and support your family, and with the current economic downturn, you don’t have many options.
In this situation you are not alone almost 70 to 80 percent working-class population feels this way, they are stuck in a job and it is affecting them mentally and physically but still, they cannot afford to quit this trap.
So here we are trying to give you some advice on how to quit our job without getting affected
We will break down it into 3 sections
WHY – Why you hate it?
OPTION - What are your options?
EXIT PLAN - How to work your way out?
like any pain or suffering you need to find the root cause of the suffering, In the same way, you need to understand the root cause of why you hate your current job, what is about this job that makes you hate it, there are several reasons but you need pinpoint at least one ore more reasons why you hate your current job? it could be your personal life is getting affected, you are dealing with a low paying job and office/workplace environment is toxic.
Explore what is specifically causing your frustration at the office. “For one week (or a month, depending on how ambitious you are), catalog everything you work on including all the projects, tasks, and meetings you have,” and what specifically makes you frustrated and hate your job to the extreme.
Next, sort them out into categories based on how you feel or how engaged you are with each one. This helps you identify the specific tasks, projects, or people that are causing your dissatisfaction, and frustration.
Always remember the reason WHY you are doing this exercise is to pinpoint the root cause and make workaround of it until you find your next job move.
Now that you have identified the root cause of the issue, your focus now should be what is in your Control & what are in your option, you might need to set some boundaries and have clear communication about to it with your manager & colleagues, it might be difficult for starters to have these communication boundaries to be set but it will help you in a longer run,
Additionally, you need to channel negativity out of your daily work life, you need to detox your self, for example, stop thinking about work or work-related matter after office hours, get a hobby, focus on something outside your work that keeps your mind away from your daily job, also you need to build a habit of not speaking negativity or ill about work-related matters with everyone around you.
You need to build the smallest circle of a friend with whom you can discuss your frustration and negativity about the work to vent out these feelings which are building inside you.
You must formulate a plan to leave the job that is making your life miserable but in order to do that you need time and effort.
Be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic & Timely ) about your goals and you will most likely achieve it. Write down your goal, and break them into several phases, and must-do tasks. Devote your time and energy towards accomplishing these.
Set a timeline for yourself and start counting days that you need to make real changes in your work life you need to upgrade your skills, need to squeeze your time of rest and devote more time in enhancing your skills, initially, you might get frustrated but at the end, it will be worth it, stay calm and quiet about your frustration while keep working hard in the background, acquire skills that will help you in a longer, but do remember during this process of planning and executing, it is very important that you keep your current job performance level at par, don’t let it slide you down which might impact your hustle
Always remember: THE JOB IS TEMPORARY, right now you can’t afford to quit, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be a brighter tomorrow. Be Relentless
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