With the Coronavirus outbreak, Several MNC’s are implementing WORK FROM HOME operations.
WORK FROM HOME has received mixed reviews both form Employer and Employee, some of them are welcoming it while others are skeptical about it
The YAY’s side says it is a dream come true, every day the obligation to get up early, get ready for a 30 to 90 mins commute is gone! They are no longer require the meeting to colleagues which were distractive and irritating (some including their own managers )
The NAY’s side says it makes life lonelier, ability to meet and greet new people in persons is taken away, having beers with their colleagues after work is no longer an option. Other physio and psychological impacts are non-tangible.
What we feel to discuss here is few points which should balance of your every day WORK FROM HOME scenario
Even if you don’t have a dedicated office, try to set up a workspace and make it off-limits to the rest of your household while you are working. Additionally Keep your desk with the minimum items as it should not distract you, Keep yourself organized, use calendar, task list or To Do list to keep yourself focused, There’s nothing worse than being on an important work call only to have the doorbell ringing, the dog barking, and the kids screaming in the background.
Keep constant communication with your team and your manager, make sure you are visible appropriately, be responsive, and create touchpoint calls or video conference with your internal teams, also always have a backup location ready as there will be days during your work from home your connection is bad from home and you might need to rush to a near coffee shop or your friend’s house to attend a conference.
Now that you have an extra 30-90 mins of your life, first of all, accept having extra time in your life as a blessing, now you can do something, positive creative to make your day more productive.
Go for a run, read a book, do a course/certification, prepare yourself for a better future, whatever you do but please do not work during your commute time.
Set your office hours and stick to it, tell your family and friends that all though you are working from home it's WORKING FROM HOME, they shouldn’t be distracting you and Having a specific work time can ensure you don’t spend too much (or too little) time working and Don’t stop for a moment to hang out the washed clothes, doing grocery shopping during your office hours if you keep this distraction offs you will be a truly productive while working from home, initially you will feel strange as you are working from home but keeping away these distraction will help you in a long way.
There is a tendency to work through the day because you are in your home, In your comfort zone, and you feel you can knock off more work by spending more time in front of your laptop
You should take a break like you take during your office hours, Hit the pause button from time to time, to stay productive while working from home. And when you take a break make sure you are disconnected from work, pretend like you are out of the office with a friend or colleague for a coffee and discuss non-work-related matters. Working remotely takes a lot of self-discipline,define your break times clearly in your schedule
Now that you are in your home, don’t work in front of your TV while it’s streaming your favorite show or a movie, don’t keep your personal laptop next to your work laptop while working so that you can be hyperactive on social medial all day long while “ WORKING FROM HOME”
These distractions are a Big NO-NO, your workday will slip off since you are procrastinating, you won't be able to meet your deadlines and eventually, your colleagues & manager will have a negative perception about you as they will notice your sudden activity in social media
When you start working from home don’t get up from the bed and straight to the computer, a few minutes later you will find yourself eating your breakfast on your desk while working and which will move to your late lunch at the same place, don’t fall for this toxic habit.
You have to create routines that allow you to unwind, follow a strict rule, consider working from home as working from your office, get up and get ready as if you are in office, getting up taking a walk or having a bath will refresh your ideas if you are dressed properly as if you are going for an office, who knows you might get a video interview call for your next job, while you are sitting at home.
We hope you enjoyed reading this blog and it would have helped you in understanding in Dos and Don'ts when working from home
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